Ifon Mega Crusade 2021: FIRE OF DELIVERANCE (Day 1)


All was agog at C.A.C Eleesi revival ground, Ifon-Osun, on the first day of the Fire of Deliverance Crusade, year 2021.
Many souls turned out to hear the word of God and catch a glimpse of the great Covenant Holder of this generation, Evangelist Peter Kolajo, who was born in the town.

With great dancing and spirit lifting songs to the Almighty God, the God of Fire, Evangelist Kolajo told the congregants about the necessity for spiritual deliverance from the strangleholds of Satan. Importantly, for individuals, families, cities and nations irrespective of religious persuasions because all are descendants of Abraham - Christians, Muslims and traditional religious worshippers.

He bemoaned the deplorable and desolate states of the infrastructures in Ifon-Osun town, and the neighboring towns of Ilobu and Erin in Osun state, and Nigeria at large which he attributed to the works of the devil and his cohorts via disobedience and greed of the leaders.

He briefly expounded on the word of God before leading all present in prayers of warfare, and deliverance by the Holy Ghost Fire. People left the venue rejoicing that God of Fire has mightily taken over in this generation, and in great expectations of the Lord's power to change their fortunes. 