Five days revival at C.A.C. Oke-ayo district, Efon Alaaye, Ekiti state from 4th-8th December 2017, was filled with power and Passionate prayer warfare. Evangelist Peter Kolajo of God of fire Global Evangelistic Ministry Osogbo; the invited revivalist, encouraged the congregation to expect the visitation of God in their lives as an indication of the separation between light and darkness since this is independent of our prayers, fastings, spiritual exercises(oil and water useage) and other diabolical means. The Revivalist took his scriptures from Ezekiel 37:1-8, where he explained that unfulfilled promises, lack, poverty, the power and hold of sin, diseases and illnesses, even sudden death are pointers to dry bones. According to the Cleric, Jesus is the light and light is life which brings the Glory of God therefore spurring revival and restoration in our souls, families, destinies and lands. But the ONLY prerequisite to receiving the Glory of resurrection is total submission to Jesus Christ. Furthermore, Evangelist Kolajo asked the congregation that, “who is it that is worthy enough to receive the glory? ". He took his answers from II Sam 9:1-7 and John 5:1-8 by stressing the fact that God the giver of the Glory of resurrection only but searches and locates every deserving recipient by HIMSELF. Hence the glory of resurrection is dependent only upon God, the Giver himself. Also, He buttressed it that, "God never considers your errors before revealing and depositing His light (Jesus) in you. He went on to lead prayers of strategic warfare for illumination of God's light into our lives, revival of the Gospel in our land, Judgment of the accuser upon our lives, the removal of evil veils off our lives and strategic sudden upliftment in all spheres.
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