"The God of Fire shall sever every link, tie or connection with idols, age-old satanic bondages, familiar spirits, witchcraft manipulations, and occultic forces in leadership and followership circles that are holding the glorious destiny of Nigeria and those of her citizens in perpetual bondage" - Evangelist Peter Kolajo 

The presiding minister of the God of Fire Global Evangelical Ministry (GOFGEM), Dada Estate, Osogbo, Evangelist Peter Kolajo has advised Nigerians during the 2nd segment of the ongoing 21-day preliminary stage of the Nigerian National Deliverance Programme (aka ITUSILE NIGERIA), to be expectant of DIVINE TURNAROUND and POSITIVE TRANSFORMATION in every sphere of their lives in no distant future.


The cleric bemoaned the current socio-economic challenges in the country which manifest in forms of mass unemployment, inflation, terrorism, ritual and serial killings, kidnappings, human trafficking etc. as indicative of the destruction of the social and moral fabric of the society. This societal decadence can be explained in religious perspective as the "breakdown in the demonic and occultic convenants and oaths between individuals and satanic agents brought about mainly by the past activities of their ill-informed progenitors, and the current craze for wealth. 


Taking his sermon from the Scriptural passages in 1 Sam. 18, 19 and 20; and 2 Sam. 9, the cleric further explained that irrespective of gender, age, domicile, socio-economic and educational status, religious creed or ethnic stock, the devil has a spiritual hold and leverage on individuals due to idolatry, occultism, witchcraft manipulations and other evil practices prevailing among the people. He advised that satanic links and practices with the occultic groups and evil agents should be completely severed, abhorred and renounced by the leaders and followers alike for Nigeria to experience all-round development. Also he averred that the solution pathway to the Nigerian societal advancement cannot be found in religiosity, strict adherence to the dictates and counsels of fake and occultic religious con men that littered the nooks and cranny of the country, but rather to the true worship of the Lord and obedience to His precepts.

In conclusion, Evangelist Kolajo reiterated that the upcoming 2018 Nigerian National Deliverance Crusade is TO SET THE BELOVED NIGERIANS AND THE CAPTIVE NATION FREE by uprooting and overthrowing the dominion of the evil ones over Nigerian individual and corporate lives, restoration of the previously traded glories of the beloved citizens, and encouraging each person to walk with the Most High God in spirit and holiness.

Importantly, the ongoing 21-day preliminary stage of ITUSILE NIGERIA will end by midnight Sunday March 11, 2018. 

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