Sunday 29th April, 2018 marked the grand finale of the 7-day special interdenominational church crusade organized by the God of Fire Global Evangelical Ministry (GOFGEM), Osogbo with the divinely instructed theme as: Praise and Prayers to the Almighty God. The program took place at GOFGEM’s Headquarters, Oke-Ina, Dada Estate, Osogbo; and it was anchored by the presiding Minister in-charge, Evangelist Peter Kolajo. 

Importantly, the main thrust of the program is to create and instill in the minds of congregants the culture of gratitude and thanksgiving to their Creator, the God of Fire in all situations or circumstances they might be: in rain or shine, in good or ill-health, in lack or abundance, in joblessness or employment etc. To impart on the believers that the good Lord is always there to be a succor to anyone who diligently seek His face during trials, tribulations and even in joyfulness or bliss. Obedience to the still voice of the Holy Spirit and the precepts of the Lord are sacrosanct. Praises and thanksgiving to the Lord is a key that opens the supernatural gateway that connects the beloved ones to the Ancient of Days faster than even myriads of prayers; and they must be offered to the Lord at all time since God inhabits the praises of His people. 
The cleric admonished believers to be mindful at all time of the seeds (not necessarily monetary but rather “love”) they sow in the lives of fellow men and also offer to God whether good or evil, and at every sphere of influence they might be because each person shall reap the fruits or receive the rewards of whatever seeds sown in manifold forms at harvest. Poverty or riches should never be a hindrance to anyone in establishing a good and lasting relationship with God, and his neighbors through love. Likewise, neither is unemployment an excuse for crime nor high social status an excuse for snobbery or arrogance. Love, for God and for fellow men is the greatest and most rewarding seed that can be sown that will germinate, be fruitful and stand the test of time; and also profit the sower here on earth and in eternity.
The 7-day program was laced with signs and wonders from the Lord at every moment and with the final day in particular, experiencing a notable but unscheduled visitation of a great man of God who was a benefactor to the presiding minister of GOFGEM during his sojourn in spiritual wilderness over two decades ago. Then, the benefactor prayed for the cleric and surprisingly blessed him with a cash gift – an unusual deed by supposedly called men of God. This act left an indelible mark in the mind of the cleric till date. In the end, the man of God expressed his joy to see the benevolent and transformative Hand of God in the life of Evangelist Peter Kolajo, and later prayed for him and the congregants.
In summary, Evangelist Peter Kolajo enjoined all believers to emulate Jesus Christ, our Savior by doing good things unto all men, and also be encouraged by the Biblical passage in Gal 6:10 – “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith”

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