In his welcome address, the cleric stated that “Let God arise” was a spiritual and strategic theme suggested by the Holy Spirit to signal the imminent God’s visitation into the world, particularly into Nigeria, purposely to touch the lives of His beloved children and transform the destinies of nations whose cries and agonies He has heard. Further, he explicated that a major misconception by many which is a nexus to man’s failure is that God is so far away.
The Man of God made a clear distinction between physical salvation and spiritual salvation, and also asserted that naturally human beings prioritize the salvaging of ephemeral physical things over the recovery of eternal spiritual things. He cited several Biblical examples of where the Lord arose to intervene in the affairs of men and nations e.g. the cases of Jabez, Lazarus and Job. In particular, he emphasized that the antecedents to the rising of God for such interventions are for man: i) to be where the Lord purposes him to be at the particular time; and ii) to exercise a strong belief and unrestrained faith in the Lord’s redemptive power. Evangelist Kolajo advised the congregants to completely shun acts such as unbelief, murmuring against God, sins of all types as all these vices avail the Devil the legitimate leverage to accuse men before God and ultimately afflict them as individuals, families, communities, societies, nations and even the whole world with total justification because God would never betray Himself nor His words.
Furthermore, the cleric bemoaned the prevalence of sinful leaders in Nigeria that are saddled with ineffective public policies, and inefficiencies of systems and structures of governance such that have led the nation into a great decline in the standard of living of the populace, deplorable infrastructural facilities, acute level of unemployment, insecurity, religious disharmony and inter-ethnic hostilities. He stressed that whenever God arises, His judgment is always two-folded: punishments for the sinners, and rewards for the righteous ones. Thus, he warned that after the imminent rising of the God of Fire during the forthcoming National Deliverance (a.k.a. ITUSILE NIGERIA); the dishonest public officials, false prophets, occultists and evildoers in general shall experience their waterloo unless they genuinely repent while the beloved ones shall be richly rewarded and the captives of the mighty freed.
The program was capped with Evangelist Peter Kolajo advising believers to strive towards having a strongly committed and flawless relationship with God through love for Him and obedience to His precepts, while prayers for the renunciation of sins and genuine repentance, restoration of the whole nation back to God and a permanent alignment with truth, justice, Godliness and transparency in the life of everyone were offered.
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