Evangelist Peter Kolajo.GREATER CHANGES:

The 2018 Revival started up in grand style as multitudes gathered alongside with
beautifully adorned congregants at the Nelson Mandela Freedom Park, Osogbo.
Beautiful choir renditions and elated dancing styles charged up the atmosphere in
anticipation for the message from God of Fire via the mouth of Evangelist Peter Kolajo.
The presiding minister’s message was brief and introductory as he expatiated on
the theme of the program Greater Changes. He spoke on what needs to be changed, the
need for changes, who the author of changes is and how do we know when changes
occur? Taking his scriptures from Genesis 1, John 1 and Isaiah 61,
 Evangelist Kolajo
stated that the essence of changes was to reinforce the ministry of the death and
resurrection of Jesus Christ. Because at creation, all things were made perfect by God till
the fall of man and Jesus Christ came to rebuild the broken connection between man and
God. He also emphasized that confusion, curses, challenges and all menacing acts
perpetuated today by mankind have been birthed by Sin. All of these and more are
reasons for acknowledging and consenting to the need for that greater Change which is
Jesus Christ Himself.
Furthermore, the Cleric explained on the result of true changes if genuinely
allowed by any person to include the following:
i) everlasting impact which lasts longer than expected
ii) creativity and skillfulness in all spheres
iii) wonders and signs and
iv) divine perfection of all things by God.
Finally, Evangelist Peter Kolajo led all present in strategic prayers of changes and
divine repositioning.
This 7-days revival runs from 22 nd December to 28 th December 2018 with a
power-packed vigil on Friday 28 th .
It is truly our season of Greater Changes. Hallelujah!!

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