Events happening all over the World are SIGNS that God has come to visit the entire planet earth and no Nation would be spared. The visitation of God is for fulfilment and for judgment which would cut across the strata of Nations, States, Communities, families and down to every individual. The essence of the visit is to search out Righteousness in all spheres.
Before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham tried seeking for righteous individuals as a leverage to halt God's purposed destruction of the twin cities, but couldn't find any. The hearts of the citizens of the Cities weren't inclined to neither righteousness nor the fear of God and this wasn't hidden from God. Righteousness births signs which are in correlation with the fruits of the Spirit which includes peace, tranquility, Joy etc while unrighteousness births greed, selfishness, money mongering, fraud, deceit, insecurity, underdeveloped infrastructures, unemployment etc. 
The insatiable quest for mundane things has further diverted the focus of people from God without conscious help from psychopaths claiming to be "Ministers of God". The Pursuit of the Kingdom of God firstly guarantees salvation with the infilling of the Holy Spirit as additional gift from God. Every blessings received after this are divine, permanent and unfailingly, but the only prerequisite is total submission to Jesus so as to escape the impending doom upon unbelievers and Pseudo Clerics. Jesus Christ is expecting you today, hurry up and be saved!!


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