Jesus Christ: The way, the truth and the life - Evang. Peter Kolajo

 Christ took the opportunity to discourse about His destination after completing His mission on earth and the compass guiding all to it. More fully to instruct his disciples concerning Himself, he said " I am the way"..... but Christ is not merely the way, He lived an exemplary life as a standard for His disciples and not as a prophet, showing them the way of salvation via His obedience and sacrifice which is unprecedented. He is the way to every of His Father's opportunity and which is entirely in tandem with the perfection of God, He is the way to all the blessings of the covenant of grace by faith and He is the way to heaven.

Christ is not only true, but is The Truth itself.  This may relate to His person and character. He is the true God and eternal life as He taught the ways of God in truth as a Priest, Advocate, King and as Ruler of all. As a King, just and true are all his ways and administrations. He is the sum and substance of all the truths of the gospel, they are all full of Him and centered around Him. He is the fulfillment of all prophecies of the old testament and they have all their accomplishment only in Him.

Christ is the author and given of life, both spiritual and physical. Anyone who believes in Jesus not only has a relationship with God but also receives eternal life. Eternal life is activated the moment you believe in Jesus Christ and lasts forever. Death of the carnal body isn't a determinant as the soul lives on in heaven where it would be until the day it receives a brand new immortal body just like Jesus. As part of God's family, God's spirit comes to live inside of you, gives to you the joyful life of Jesus, enables you to live a life that pleases God as your Father. He further changes the way you think and feel as you become more like Jesus. Jesus' joy emits from inside of you so much so that everyone will see it radiate. Jesus has given us His life so that we are completely loved and accepted by God His Father.
Accept Him today, confess Him as saviour and Lord and enjoy the dividends of John 14:6.

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