Deliverance means the freeing or rescue of a captive from restraints or perilous situations. In general, it involves three agents namely, the captor, the captive, and the rescuer or savior.
spiritual parlance, as exemplified in the Holy Bible, the first is the
devil and the fallen angels whose sole purpose is to bring woes upon the
inhabitants of the Earth by stealing and destroying their glories and
virtues (see Rev. 12:12). The next is the people of God who due to their
actions or inactions have fallen victims to the wiles and deceits of
the devil. In short, they are like prodigal children who have disobeyed
the counsels of the Lord, their God. Lastly, the rescuer or Savior is
the Almighty God who out of compassion and His divine Mercy consider it
imperative to get involved in the rescue or deliverance process of the
captives from satanic bondages.
the captor which is the devil possesses evil powers which appear
seemingly great but in reality is "nothing but fake", that are used to
manipulate and lure victims into commiting sinful acts such as sexual
lusts, inordinate ambitions, covetousness, idolatry, thefts etc. and
finally put them into bondages. In short, when believers disobey the
counsels of the Lord as enshrined in the Ten Commandments in Exodus, and
the greatest Two Commandments explained by Jesus Christ in the New
Testament; they become spiritually weak, dislocated and prone to satanic
enslavement such as corruption, witchcraft, occultic practices and so
The "Power of Deliverance" intuitively
depicts the unfathomable power of the God of Fire to capture, bind and
destroy the devil and his accomplices, to free the beloveds who have
become captives of the devil, if and only if they desire and seek such
deliverance in good faith and complete trust in Jesus Christ, our Lord
and Savior.
In conclusion, as the world is
currently experiencing turbulence at the individual, family, industry
and national levels, who will deliver us all from perdition? Our only
Savior, is the God of Fire the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth,
through His Son Jesus Christ. Every one is advised to put on the
spiritual armors of God. In Jesus mighty name, we shall be victorious.
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