“The greatness of Nigeria will be exemplary and unmatched after God’s visitation” says the minister-in-charge of The God of Fire Global Evangelical Ministry (GOFGEM), Oke-Ina, Dada Estate, Osogbo, Evangelist Peter Kolajo in his July 2018 message to Nigerians.On the rationale for the deliverance of Nigeria as a country, he averred that: i) the country is overwhelmed by violence, lawlessness and helplessness of the redemptive measures to adopt by the leaders and the population, and this is reminiscent of a state of anarchy; ii) the country underperforms in critical human development indices that are reflected in increasing poverty amongst the Nigerian masses, low industrial capacity utilization, as well as decaying states of public education and health sectors; and iii) 

 the country’s finances are overburdened by oil price shocks, sub-optimal performance of non-oil sectors, revenue leakages through gross mismanagement and stealing of accrued but diminished receipts by public officials, in the midst of competing needs for sustainable resource allocation for social infrastructure and other basic developmental needs. This unhealthy state of the nation which has been perpetuated for decades through poor governance mechanisms, according to the cleric, is a complete negation of God’s divine and glorious post-independence plan for Nigeria. The actualization of the glorious Nigeria envisioned by the Almighty God is based on a spiritual blueprint resting on a tripod of: i) unity among her diverse people and culture; ii) optimal utilization of human and material endowments; and iii) walking right with God. Unfortunately, the nation’s leadership and followership alike never got the blueprint correct ever since. Rather they consider the nation’s material endowments as good only for personal aggrandizement and ethnic dominance, disunity among ethnic constituents to be used as a weapon for self-perpetuation in leadership positions, as well as engagement and involvement in evil social networks and occult practices as pre-conditions to attain individual prominence. In short, sin against God and man has brought the nation into this state of national lowliness where the country and her people have become renowned worldwide for bestial acts against humanity, and also as objects of ignominy. Thus, this abysmal situation must be reversed and the country and her people redirected back to a sustainable path of development, liberty, social justice and obedience to the precepts of the Lord to usher in the glorious vision of the Lord of Hosts for Nigeria. The national deliverance program (a.k.a. ITUSILE NIGERIA) is the first critical step (among other crucial redemptive measures) that must be taken as panacea to Nigeria’s problems. The forthcoming deliverance program is designed to break the evil yokes and strangleholds of the agents of darkness upon the glorious future of Nigeria and her people. It is a national call to every Nigerian irrespective of age, gender, ethnic or religious persuasion, residence or socio-economic status for repentance. 
Finally, Evangelist Kolajo emphasized that it is the God of Fire Himself that has risen in this season through His servant to deliver Nigeria and not the work of any man or prophet; and thus, all glory and honor must be ascribed solely unto the Creator of the universe for remembering Nigerians in their agonies like the Israelites in Egypt. The national deliverance program is divinely ordained by God, and not a humanly designed scheme, gimmick or jamboree for fund raising or deceit; but rather a strategic spiritual warfare to emancipate Nigerians, and refocus them to live right with God and their neighbors. 

1 comment:

dhammystick said...

Indeed Nigeria is totally free from all boundage, more power in Jesus name....