ill-luck?” asked Evangelist Peter Kolajo as he started his message on the second day of
the ongoing 7-Days Revival at the Nelson Mandela Freedom Park, Osogbo with the
theme Greater Changes.
The presiding minister’s message expatiated on the ways and the schemes which
the devil has been using to deceive and hijack the glory of men, thus slowing down or
completely thwarting the purpose of God in their lives. Taking his scriptures from
Genesis 12, Evangelist Kolajo stated that the call of Abraham out of his idolatrous nation
to become the progenitor of a new and God conscious nation had a taint because he took
along Lot who was never in the picture from the start. Thus generational family battles
continued to manifest in his life via the experience of famine, polygamy and delay of the
fulfillment of God’s promises (Isaac).
The Cleric emphasized on the need for total disconnection from spiritual
attachments which humans have consciously / unconsciously been linked with till date.
These attachments are snares set by the devil which entrap people and they could be
bound forever unless they allow the effect of this Greater Changes in their lives. He also
buttressed that all menacing acts perpetuated today by mankind such as theft, kidnapping,
fraudulence, robbery, rape, insecurity, money rituals and the much abounding false
clerics in our present society have been as a result of the shackles which has held them
without their knowledge.
Furthermore, Evangelist Kolajo encouraged all present to acknowledge and allow
Jesus Christ the author of Greater Changes to break these shackles and turn their lives
around to the perfect will of God Almighty.
Finally, Evangelist Peter Kolajo led all present in strategic prayers of bond
breakage, deliverance and restoration as many were set free by the powerful name of
Jesus Christ.
This 7-days revival continues till 28 th December 2018.
It is truly our season of Greater Changes. Hallelujah!!
The exhortation on the third day of the ongoing 7-Days Revival at the Nelson
Mandela Freedom Park, Osogbo with the theme Greater Changes started up with a
congratulatory message by Evangelist Peter Kolajo to everyone for witnessing another
eve of the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. The cleric further elucidated on the
significance of the birth of Jesus, His ministry, Death and Resurrection to mankind.
“Who has so far experienced the sweetness of the birth of Jesus?” asked
Evangelist Peter Kolajo.
The man of God revealed to all present that the birth of every
person on earth comes with a significant fragrance of sweetness and a distinct glory
meant to be used to impact and influence the life of all mankind for good. But alas, the
percentage of persons who eventually make use of their glory from birth later in life is
minimal and quite insignificant. Many have been transferred or hijacked by the devil thus
rendering their lives and purpose on earth irrelevant. “That is the reason why many
experience afflictions, disappointments, sicknesses, hardships etc.” said the Cleric
Evangelist Kolajo took his scriptures from Isaiah 9, Isaiah 11 and Matthew 2,
where he pointed out that in this current dispensation world over, politicians, people in
authority and government, pseudo clerics etc. have neglected Jesus the wonderful
counsellor and they have set themselves up as bitter examples thus leading many onto the
path of destruction and to the devil. Thus, the sweetness stripped off Adam after the fall
in Eden is the basic pursuit for all mankind till today and by every means.
The Cleric buttressed on the need for all present to give Jesus Christ a chance for
total recovery and restoration of the misplaced sweetness by agreeing to Greater
Changes and the permanent rulership of Jesus over their lives.
Prayers of restoration and deliverance were offered to God before all dispersed for
the evening.
This 7-days revival ends on the Friday 28 th December, 2018.
It is truly our season of Greater Changes. Hallelujah!!
Evangelist Peter Kolajo.GREATER CHANGES:
The 2018 Revival started up in grand style as multitudes gathered alongside with
beautifully adorned congregants at the Nelson Mandela Freedom Park, Osogbo.
Beautiful choir renditions and elated dancing styles charged up the atmosphere in
anticipation for the message from God of Fire via the mouth of Evangelist Peter Kolajo.
The presiding minister’s message was brief and introductory as he expatiated on
the theme of the program Greater Changes. He spoke on what needs to be changed, the
need for changes, who the author of changes is and how do we know when changes
occur? Taking his scriptures from Genesis 1, John 1 and Isaiah 61,
Evangelist Kolajo
stated that the essence of changes was to reinforce the ministry of the death and
resurrection of Jesus Christ. Because at creation, all things were made perfect by God till
the fall of man and Jesus Christ came to rebuild the broken connection between man and
God. He also emphasized that confusion, curses, challenges and all menacing acts
perpetuated today by mankind have been birthed by Sin. All of these and more are
reasons for acknowledging and consenting to the need for that greater Change which is
Jesus Christ Himself.
Furthermore, the Cleric explained on the result of true changes if genuinely
allowed by any person to include the following:
i) everlasting impact which lasts longer than expected
ii) creativity and skillfulness in all spheres
iii) wonders and signs and
iv) divine perfection of all things by God.
Finally, Evangelist Peter Kolajo led all present in strategic prayers of changes and
divine repositioning.
This 7-days revival runs from 22 nd December to 28 th December 2018 with a
power-packed vigil on Friday 28 th .
It is truly our season of Greater Changes. Hallelujah!!
1st of 2018 RALLY
Nigeria needs Spiritual restructuring to survive, says cleric
Evangelist Peter Kolajo in his welcoming address made all congregants to realize that from birth to death, every phase of life of every individual on earth represents a juncture. He explained that the devil and his cohorts have robbed men of God’s predestined glory after sinning in the garden, but the death of Jesus Christ on the cross has recovered and restored all for mankind.
The Cleric enlightened all present that the power vested to the devil by God was strictly for the punishment of disobedient sons of men never for the devil to camouflage as a benefactor of good things. But alas, unbelieving and sinful people fall into the trap of getting freebies from the devil thereby trading their souls for eternal destruction. He also made the congregants to realize that the prerequisite to total recovery and restoration of all in life is faith only in the name of Jesus Christ and total submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ because the cross is the bridge connecting men to God.
Furthermore, the man of God rebuked the unbelief in the lives of men and encouraged all to allow the touch of God to transform their lives permanently. He backed the essence of steadfast faith in God up with scriptures from the Gospels, Joshua, II Samuel and I Kings.
The zenith of the program was when Evangelist Peter Kolajo led believers in prayers of reconciliation with God, warfare for strategic recovery, restoration and transformation while graceful praise sessions capped it all up.
Turning Night is 8Years Today
God of Fire Global Evangelical Ministry, Ori-Oke Ina, behind Baale's Palace, Dada Estate. Osogbo invites you to be part of the glorious Turning Night Vigil on the 5th Oct, 2018 by 10pm.
Nigeria's socioeconomic challenges only require a 3-day national prayers, says cleric
The spiritual man of God in-charge of God of Fire Global Evangelical Ministry (GOFGEM) popularly called 'God of Fire', Evangelist Peter Olusegun Kolajo at the weekend said the pockets of challenge confronting Nigeria only require a 3-day national prayers.
He said Nigerians must resolve to dedicate three days for fervent prayers to rescue the country from the shackles of economic anomaly it found itself.
Kolajo noted that the prayer is necessary as it remains the workable antidote to Nigerian socioeconomic challenges.
The renowned cleric made the statement on Sunday while unveiling the lineup programmes of the Ministry for the remaining months in the year 2018.
He said God had revealed to him and the entire Ministry to convene a three-day National Prayer to break the yolk of darkness in the lives of Nigerians and as well save the country from satanic bondage.
Kolajo said he has received God's inspirations to include in the prayers all denominations in the christendom and outside the faith for a robust, fervent and vehement supplication to God for total delivery and breakthrough.
According to the cleric, the prayer session will hold in fulfillment of God's direction to rescue our dear nation from her myriads of challenges.
"The Almighty God has directed our Ministry to hold a-three day powerful prayers to break the yolk of darkness and free Osun in particular and Nigeria in general from satanic bondage.
"It is the promise of God that we will witness the glory of independence after this revival as it will put an end to all storms in Nigeria.
"We are expecting as directed by God, the President, Federal Republic of Nigeria, his Cabinet Members, Members of the Federal Executive Council, State Governors and their Cabinet Members, Members of the National and State Houses of Assembly, Local Government Chairmen, traditional rulers among others to share in the pool of God's grace", he added.
Day 2 of 2018 40day's Prayer
“The greatness of Nigeria will be exemplary and unmatched after God’s visitation” says the minister-in-charge of The God of Fire Global Evangelical Ministry (GOFGEM), Oke-Ina, Dada Estate, Osogbo, Evangelist Peter Kolajo in his July 2018 message to Nigerians.
Thus, this abysmal situation must be reversed and the country and her people redirected back to a sustainable path of development, liberty, social justice and obedience to the precepts of the Lord to usher in the glorious vision of the Lord of Hosts for Nigeria. The national deliverance program (a.k.a. ITUSILE NIGERIA) is the first critical step (among other crucial redemptive measures) that must be taken as panacea to Nigeria’s problems. The forthcoming deliverance program is designed to break the evil yokes and strangleholds of the agents of darkness upon the glorious future of Nigeria and her people. It is a national call to every Nigerian irrespective of age, gender, ethnic or religious persuasion, residence or socio-economic status for repentance.
Finally, Evangelist Kolajo emphasized that it is the God of Fire Himself that has risen in this season through His servant to deliver Nigeria and not the work of any man or prophet; and thus, all glory and honor must be ascribed solely unto the Creator of the universe for remembering Nigerians in their agonies like the Israelites in Egypt. The national deliverance program is divinely ordained by God, and not a humanly designed scheme, gimmick or jamboree for fund raising or deceit; but rather a strategic spiritual warfare to emancipate Nigerians, and refocus them to live right with God and their neighbors.

In his welcome address, the cleric stated that “Let God arise” was a spiritual and strategic theme suggested by the Holy Spirit to signal the imminent God’s visitation into the world, particularly into Nigeria, purposely to touch the lives of His beloved children and transform the destinies of nations whose cries and agonies He has heard. Further, he explicated that a major misconception by many which is a nexus to man’s failure is that God is so far away.
The Man of God made a clear distinction between physical salvation and spiritual salvation, and also asserted that naturally human beings prioritize the salvaging of ephemeral physical things over the recovery of eternal spiritual things. He cited several Biblical examples of where the Lord arose to intervene in the affairs of men and nations e.g. the cases of Jabez, Lazarus and Job. In particular, he emphasized that the antecedents to the rising of God for such interventions are for man: i) to be where the Lord purposes him to be at the particular time; and ii) to exercise a strong belief and unrestrained faith in the Lord’s redemptive power. Evangelist Kolajo advised the congregants to completely shun acts such as unbelief, murmuring against God, sins of all types as all these vices avail the Devil the legitimate leverage to accuse men before God and ultimately afflict them as individuals, families, communities, societies, nations and even the whole world with total justification because God would never betray Himself nor His words.
Furthermore, the cleric bemoaned the prevalence of sinful leaders in Nigeria that are saddled with ineffective public policies, and inefficiencies of systems and structures of governance such that have led the nation into a great decline in the standard of living of the populace, deplorable infrastructural facilities, acute level of unemployment, insecurity, religious disharmony and inter-ethnic hostilities. He stressed that whenever God arises, His judgment is always two-folded: punishments for the sinners, and rewards for the righteous ones. Thus, he warned that after the imminent rising of the God of Fire during the forthcoming National Deliverance (a.k.a. ITUSILE NIGERIA); the dishonest public officials, false prophets, occultists and evildoers in general shall experience their waterloo unless they genuinely repent while the beloved ones shall be richly rewarded and the captives of the mighty freed.
The program was capped with Evangelist Peter Kolajo advising believers to strive towards having a strongly committed and flawless relationship with God through love for Him and obedience to His precepts, while prayers for the renunciation of sins and genuine repentance, restoration of the whole nation back to God and a permanent alignment with truth, justice, Godliness and transparency in the life of everyone were offered.
The deliverance of my great country (Nigeria)
But GOD of Fire in HIS infinite mercy has heard the cry of the beloved and HE is here to deliver Osun State and the whole Nigeria by Fire.
The deliverance of my great country (Nigeria) and the beloved is what I desire.
Your time of freedom is now in JESUS name......Amen.
Global Evangelical Ministry (GOFGEM) Headquarters, Oke-Ina, Dada Estate Osogbo where an unprecedented but
divinely inspired program tagged “2018 Covenant Day for Families: Enhancing Unblemished Love within Homes”
was organized under the auspices of the presiding minister, Evangelist Peter Kolajo.
In essence, the program the first of its kind in the annals of Christian history, was to allow God’s visitation
into the foundations and roots of all Christian marriages, destroy every satanic implantation, make amends in every
area where errors of omission or commission abound, bridge every communication gap existing between spouses on
one hand and also between parents and their children on the other, mediate in and create peace in homes where
disharmony prevails; and henceforth prepare families for the task of living right with their Maker. The program also
involved the spinsters and bachelors as they lay solid-rock foundations for their blissful wedlock in the future.
Evangelist Kolajo stressed the need for couples to enact unfeigned and endless love with their spouses and the
children; and exhibit unity of purpose in all their endeavors. The cleric emphasized the primacy of love in every
human relationship as exhibited by our Creator, the Almighty God who is “Love” and who first extended His love to
humanity by creating man in His own image. Further, the cleric emphasized that the Holy Trinity succeeds through
the “Unity of Purpose and Oneness of the Lord” which is the necessary and sufficient condition to access the
supernatural gateway for bliss and peace in every home.
In addition the Man of God bemoaned the prevailing socio-economic and behavioral decadence in the
larger society which he attributed to the wavering and cold love of men towards their Creator and to their neighbors
which make individuals to shift and apportion blames unto others instead of taking personal responsibilities when
things go wrong. In a nutshell, parents for example no longer focus on God and everything that could bind them
with God rather they pursue mundane things of this world and totally neglect their roles in shaping the lives of their
children and wards. Hence, this becomes a normal but unholy human continuum where children exposed to this type
of flawed parental training pass this “poisoned chalice” to their offspring and thereby extending such into the lives
of their future descendants. Eventually this becomes a scourge negating the flourishing of critical social values and
Christian ethics necessary for individuals to prosper in accordance to the will of God.
Evangelist Peter Kolajo advised believers to strive towards having a steadfast and flawless relationship
with God through love for Him and obedience to His precepts. His biblical expositions used as case studies the lives
of Abraham and Sarah; the parents of Samson; Zechariah and Elizabeth; and Mary, the mother of Jesus. He proved
that having good personal relationship with God that is sustained by an individual’s unblemished love and total
obedience to His precepts is the key to experiencing divine visitation from God and enjoying His favor and mercy as
a person, and as a family. He cautioned that “God will never show mercy to anyone who never believed or has faith
in Him either for His words or for whom He is”. Thus, Love, Forgiveness, Trust and Care, and Unity of purpose
within homes are essential ingredients that profit families here on earth and make eternity accessible to salvation-
seeking believers.
Finally, the couples present had the opportunity to rededicate their marriages before God at His Holy Altar
as individual families got blessed afresh by the presiding minister; while the spinsters and bachelors present during
the program also placed their future matrimonies before God for divine blessing and perfection. The service ended
with great joy and personal fulfillment shown on the faces of all congregants.
The cleric admonished believers to be mindful at all time of the seeds (not necessarily monetary but rather “love”) they sow in the lives of fellow men and also offer to God whether good or evil, and at every sphere of influence they might be because each person shall reap the fruits or receive the rewards of whatever seeds sown in manifold forms at harvest. Poverty or riches should never be a hindrance to anyone in establishing a good and lasting relationship with God, and his neighbors through love. Likewise, neither is unemployment an excuse for crime nor high social status an excuse for snobbery or arrogance. Love, for God and for fellow men is the greatest and most rewarding seed that can be sown that will germinate, be fruitful and stand the test of time; and also profit the sower here on earth and in eternity.
The 7-day program was laced with signs and wonders from the Lord at every moment and with the final day in particular, experiencing a notable but unscheduled visitation of a great man of God who was a benefactor to the presiding minister of GOFGEM during his sojourn in spiritual wilderness over two decades ago. Then, the benefactor prayed for the cleric and surprisingly blessed him with a cash gift – an unusual deed by supposedly called men of God. This act left an indelible mark in the mind of the cleric till date. In the end, the man of God expressed his joy to see the benevolent and transformative Hand of God in the life of Evangelist Peter Kolajo, and later prayed for him and the congregants.
In summary, Evangelist Peter Kolajo enjoined all believers to emulate Jesus Christ, our Savior by doing good things unto all men, and also be encouraged by the Biblical passage in Gal 6:10 – “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith”
Happy Easter Celebration....
He “has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God, with angels, authorities, and powers having been subjected to him.”
1 Peter 3:22
When Christ died and rose again, He was triumphant over all the powers of hell.
He lay down His life for us so we can live, He paid a huge debt He didn't owe so we can be free.
Thank you Lord for Your love.
As He has risen from the dead, may the power of ressurection awaken everything that's dead in every area of your life.
May GOD bless you and your family this season of Salvation in Jesus name, Amen
The Night Of Liberation...........
The LORD of Hosts liberated every souls who attended the C.A.C Ifon Osun Headquarter revival today 26th March, 2018.
HOLY GHOST descends powerfully and perform wonders through the GOD-sent Evangelist Peter Kolajo (OMO JESU) and the generational bondages were broken.
The glory attached to your time and season held in captive are loosed in JESUS name, Amen.........
"Evangelism has brought the best gifts ever unto mankind" - Evangelist Peter Kolajo
The special 21-day pre-Nigerian National Deliverance Programme at the God of Fire Global Evangelical MInistry (GOFGEM), Dada Estate, Osogbo led by the presiding minister, Evangelist Peter Kolajo ended in ambience filled with excitement, dancing and jubilation by the congregants to express their euphoric gratitude and praises to the Most High God for their answered prayers by faith.
The cleric explained that the essence of the programme is to create a divine awareness of the perfect will of God for the forthcoming Nigerian National Deliverance Programme (aka Itusile Nigeria) in relation to the individual growth of Nigerian citizens, and the corporate existence and development of Nigeria.
He lamented over the myriads of unattended and divisive social issues that threaten the peace, security and social cohesion of Nigerians. Allowing this dangerous situation to persist is likened to the nation pushing God to the limits of divine love and mercy.
Also he emphasized that total obedience to the precepts of God is sine qua non to tapping from the unlimited resources of the Lord and reaping the rewards of prayers, rather than mere religiosity and meaningless prayers which are the current vogues of man.
Further, Evangelist Kolajo stated that for mankind and Nigerians in particular, to get the best, we must wholeheartedly embrace the "Good News" message brought forth via the evangelisation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thus, through obedience, holiness and faith in the Lord, the spiritual process of repentance, restitution, reconciliation and restoration of Nigerians to their God-purposed lofty heights is assured. Particularly, the "Divine Keys of Glory" of inestimable values to the present and future generations of mankind are best received when individuals and nations prioritize God over any other endeavour, and have good and everlasting relationships with our Creator.
Importantly, he emphasized both the physical and spiritual significance of "Mornings, Afternoons, and Evenings" in individual and corporate lives, by highlighting their differences in functions and relevance.
For total freedom from evil yoke and manipulations of the devil, we need to anchor our lives unto God solely, because no man can outsmart, outmaneuver or outflank satan in its wiles, deceits and afflictions without the help of the Lord. In other words, we Nigerians need to rededicate our lives unto the God of Fire, our Creator.
Finally, he counseled that in our daily pursuits of happiness and chores or duties in every sphere of influence or social stratum, each individual must exhibit love, tolerance and forgiveness unto others for societal peace and unity to reign in the land.